Membership Meetings
PIWHA holds regularly scheduled as well as special meetings in various locations throughout Pennsylvania. These meetings serve to keep the membership informed on new legislations and regulations and provide the opportunity to share and discuss innovative methods for improving their business. Participants can raise their own issues, obtain legal advice and get direction on how to handle a variety of the day to day challenges that the refuse collection and disposal business can face. The meetings also provide opportunities to invite vendors to discuss the advantages of their products with members. Vendors often offer their products at a significantly discounted price and some have arranged to contribute a portion of the sales made to members back to the association’s general fund. Guest speakers have included industry experts on insurance, trucking, DEP staff and local officials.
The Pennsylvania Independent Waste Haulers Association provides a platform for the small, independent hauler to be heard concerning the effect of regulations upon their ability to compete in the highly regulated and competitive field of waste collection, handling and disposal. Any independent business person operating in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with a connection to the solid waste disposal industry is welcome and encouraged to join us.
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